Like my hair, for instance. I relaxed my hair a week ago, BUT, due to the fact that I have been under such pressure such as finals and pulling extra shifts at work, I have been unable to give my hair that special attention for about 3 days. Due to all of the stress and pressure, I haven't been able to sleep nor rest, so as soon as I hit the bed, I am out like a light, even before I can moisturize and seal. BUT I haven't forgot to put on my bonnet (expect that one night). But, I am ready to get back on it.
1. My hair wasn't dirty, itchy, etc. But I felt like a fresh wash would bring it back to life. So, I ran my head under running water for a few minutes and proceeded to wash my hair with my Salon Care Shampoo. After two rinses I proceeded to DC.
2. I applied my Generic Nexxus for my DC. It stayed on for about 30 minutes and I rinsed with cool water. my hair felt so soft and great.
3. After rinsing my hair, I applied my Dark and Lovely Leave In, a small amount of JBCO and a small amount of setting lotion to my hair. I decided that I wanted a wrap, so I wrapped my hair and got under the dryer. After my hair was dry, I realized that I didn't have no shine to it whatsoever. My moisturizers were going to weigh my hair down, so without hesistation, I flat twisted a portion in the front and put the rest in a bun and worked this style for work.
I awoke the next morning decided that I wanted my hair down for the next work day, BUT I still had NO SHINE. So, I parted my hair and applied JBCO to my scalp. Next, I applied a small amount of Dark and Lovely Leave In to my ends and length. Then, I applied a small amount of African Best moisturizer. Last, I sealed with Kemi Oyl. I placed a plastic cap over my hair and covered that with a bonnet to trap as much heat in as possible. I only wanted to do it an hour, but my hair was not trapping in and producing much heat. SO, I placed a pillowcase over the bonnet and bagged for an additional hour. THAT DEFINITELY DID THE TRICK!!! My hair was so moisturized after this. I put six flexi rods in my hair immediately afterwards. I let the flexi rods sit in my hair for about three hours.
Here is the ending results after a LONG day at work:
Lol, so it doesn't look so hot now, but it looked wonderful earlier, but the photo of the style fresh off the rods got deleted. I wearing my rods to bed tonight, so tomorrow I will post a pic of my curly hair.
Baggying is something that I am definitely taking into the new year with me. I see that I am going to have to baggy longer for better results. That is ok. I am willing to do whatever I can to get me the greatest results. After that intial wash after my relaxer, my hair is so much thicker and bigger (you alreaedy know that I love that!!!). I have noticed that my hair length in the very back is extremely longer than the rest of my hair. It is extremely noticable. I can see through my hair at the very ends.
:-( This is extremely disappointing, also. I am tempted to trim my hair even which would take me up to the top of my shoulders. But, my hair is not damaged; some hairs are just growing faster and slower than others. So, I will be trimming healthy hair. I don't think that I am ready to lose any length yet. I am going increase my castor oil usage to gain more length. Right before the wedding in April, I will be getting a relaxer. So, I will know then what my answer will be, let all the hair grow as is or trim it all even. Hmm....decisions, decisions, but none of them will be made now...AND I will definitely alert you all BEFORE I decide to do anything. I don't want to keep my followers out of the loop. LOL. Good news: my hair is more thicker than EVER!!!
Thanks for reading, and I will see you at the next post.
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