
Current Hair Info

Current Relaxed Length: blunt Full SL
Current Curly Length: 1/2 inch all over
Current Stretched Curly Length: 1 inch all over
Last Relaxer Date: January 19, 2015
Next Relaxer: May 2015
Last Trim: February 21, 2015

Current Hair Length

Current Hair Length
February 21, 2015


Hair Goals 2015

Hair Goals:

Keep hair rodded for a month
Braid out for a month
Updo for a month
Sew in for a month
Braids for a month
Reach full APL
Graze BSL before 2016

Saturday, February 1, 2014

January Goals Recap + February Goals

Hello, ladies. Prepare for a short blog!!!!!!!

I am coming to you with news from my January goals. I had two very simple goals:

Hide my hair 25 out of 31 days -
PASSED! I am so proud of myself. I was able to hide my hair with no problems!!!

Use castor oil 25 out of 31 days -
PASSED! I am so proud of myself. I used castor oil on my hair every single day.

So nothing really big to report. I met my goals, and I met my January goal: Hide my hair the entire month of January.

Here are the goals for February:
-Moisturize my hair using the Liquid Cream Oil method at least 23 days of the month (80% of the month)
-Roll/rod my hair at least 23 days of the month (80% of the month)

There is nothing difficult about these goals. I believe they are very achievable. If I can force myself to hide my hair for 25 days, I know I can do these simple goals.

-I did an emergency relaxer (blog to come)
-I trimmed my hair 2 inches (blog to come)
-I am taking up to 3 hair supplements a day (blog to come)



  1. Congrats for achieving all of your goals!

  2. Still waiting for the post on the emergency relaxer..

  3. Good job Soror! I really need to start making monthly goals again. I really fell off the band wagon. I just lost interest in maintaining my hair for a while. I'm slowly starting to regain interest.



What You See Is Far From What You Get

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Counselor by day,student by night. I am a substance abuse therapist who is working hard to continue to rise in this field. I am fanatically in love with beautiful things. Follow me as I work hard during the day and play harder after work.