This pic is from two weeks post relaxer. Here, my hair is starting to thicken up.
Finally at 3 & 1/2 weeks post, my hair starts looking promising. Lol. So it takes while for my hair to look how I want it to look. Back to the goals, I wanted to 1) do hot oil treatments with every wash and 2) use up two large bottle products.

Here is the recap:
Hot oil treatments:
I am so proud to say that I successfully use HOT with every single wash. I would mix up my olive oil, castor oil, grape seed oil and a small amount of kemi oyl to make up my mixture. I would baggy with the oil on my hair. In regards to how it worked on my hair, my hair did not have the shine I was looking for afterwards. My hair looked very dull and lack luster. I was disappointed but continued to use the HOTs in case of better results. In the end, I did not see any benefit from using it. However, I am proud of myself of setting a goal and sticking to it. So, I am ok.
I tried extremely hard to use up products. I even began to be a little heavy handed. But I was only able to get rid of one funky bottle of moisturizer. I didn't even put a dent in the other products. Lol. But before I admit defeat, I had a young cousin come into town for a visit. She talked to me about how she is about to big chop and begin a natural journey. So, I gave a little insight into naturals and told her that she would enjoy wash and go styling. Also, I gave her 3 brand new bottles of herbal essence conditioner to get her started. I was extremely happy to see three additional bottles go. Even tho I did not use these products, my load has lightened up lol. So, I will say that this goal is a successful one.
Since trying to get rid of the products, I have only introduced one new product to my stash. I will continue to rid more products. Also, those three bottles will not count for the six I am trying to get rid of. So I have five more products to part ways with before August 1st.
I am proud of myself for doing a great job in June. July is hours away and I have my newest goals ready.
1) flexi rods with every wash
2) castor oil everyday and night
My mother will also be incorporating castor oil this month. We are trying to grow, people!!!!! She will be getting a relaxer in about two to three weeks. I will be doing an extensive post on her journey thus far. It's been a rough one. Lol. I can't wait to share it.
Thanks for reading, ppl. I will be back this week with a post on my stash. I have been considering doing one and I believe that I am going I do it. I am also going to do a post on my coupon corner. It's going to be a two for one!!!
I cannot wait to debut that post!!!! See you at the next one!